
Below are a small number of real estate transactions totaling over $60 million which Steve Bennett has represented Sellers and Buyers in the last few years.

Cosper Ranch - 196 Acres, Kendall County, Texas - SOLD - Represented the Cosper Family

Nueces River Ranch, McMullen/LaSalle County, Texas, 7000 Acres - SOLD - Represented Buyer

Booth Estate, 8000 s.f. Home, 127 Acres, Kendall County, Texas - SOLD - Represented Booth Family

Neuhaus Estate, Hays County, Texas - SOLD - Represented Neuhaus Family

Phillip Ranch, 800 Acres, Kendall County, Texas - SOLD - Represented Phillip Estate

El Perro Rojo Ranch, 5050 Acres, Duval County, Texas - SOLD - Represented Buyer

Crabapple Springs Ranch, 408 Acres, Kendall County, Texas - SOLD - Represented Owner, Olsen Energy

Castlemane Ranch - 2967 Acres, Leon/Robertson County -SOLD- Represented Seller